Airway Management

Closed Suction System
The Closed Suction System maintains Arterial Oxygen Saturation levels with a superior and simple airway management practice obviating ventilator disconnection. It provides the patient protection against contamination of the airways during suction. Clinical safety is assured because of non-contact with secretions during suction. It has a Double Swivel Patient End Connector that offers the convenience of a 360-degree rotation. It is available in 12 Fr, 14 Fr and 16 Fr catheter
sizes to meet all requirements.
Product Features:
- Superior, safe and simple airway management practice eliminates ventilator disconnection
- Maintains arterial oxygen saturation level
- Total patient safety from contamination entering the airways during suction
- Total clinical safety due to non-contact of secretions during suction
- Double swivel patient end connector offers convenience of 360° rotatability
- Available in 12 Fr, 14 Fr and 16 Fr catheter sizes to meet all requirement
- Supplied sterile

Spictra Spirometers are disposable and are supplied sterile. They come with a wide setting angle at low flows, continuous flow settings for smoother changeovers and are made using biocompatible materials ensuring safety and environment-friendliness. They are fully disposable on incineration, compactly designed and easy to hold.
Product Features:
- Two models of operation inspiratory mode, expiratory mode
- Wide setting angles at low flows enhances patient comfort and confident during initia recovery hours
- Continuous flow settings for smooth changeover
- Biocompatible materials ensures safety
- Eco-Friendly: 100% Incinerator Disposable
- Designed Compact and easy to hold

Ventilator / Anaesthetic Circuit
Ventilator / Anaesthesia Circuits are flexible with light but strong corrugations that minimize weight on the patient. They have a section every foot, offering benefits of cutting in between and attaching user add-ons. They come with an integrated yet manoeuvrable circuit based on user’s configured specifications
Product Features:
- Flexible and light-but-strong corrugations, minimizes weight on patient
- Section at every subsequent 1/2 feet length offers benefit of cutting in between and attaching user add-on’s
- Integrated yet maneuverable circuit
- Bio-compatible materials assures safety
- Eco-Friendly, 100% disposable upon incineration
- WYE Connectors, Water Trap and other parts of Ventilator Circuit supplied on OEM basis also